Finding your Manufacturer and Model Number
The Manufacturer and Model number is essential information that helps us provide you with a custom quote to coat your specific unit. This unit is a Carrier Model 24ANB724A310
Your unit's nameplate or label should be located somewhere on your unit. If you are coating both the Evaporator and Condenser coils, you will have 2 separate labels-one on the inside unit and one outside. This information may include numbers, dashes, letters or even a combination of these.
Why we need this?
We offer several service options on our request for quote form. We use this model number to review the unit's specifications and design to determine the amount of coating needed to coat your coil and the amount of labor required to disassemble and reassemble your unit. Additionally, the documents contain shipping weights to enable us to estimate your freight accurately. If you opt for cabinetry or component coating, we also calculate the area of the surface from this document. Therefore, it is very important that you provide this information on your quote request.
Unit and coil dimensions-if you have your documentation from the manufacturer, often, it will contain a face area measurement, number of rows, fins per inch, etc. This information is not mandatory but is greatly appreciated.
This unit from Carrier has the following information
listed under PHYSICAL DATA UNIT SIZE*---
Operating Weight lb 223
Shipping Weight lb 274
Compressor Type 2 ---Stage Scroll
REFRIGERANT Puron (R ---410A)
Control TXV (Puron Hard Shutoff)
Charge lb 6.63
COND FAN Propeller Type, Direct Drive Air Discharge Vertical Air Qty (CFM) 3008
Motor HP 1/10
COND COIL Face Area (Sq ft) 21.56
Fins per In. 25
Rows 1
Taken from Carrier Product Data Sheet available at